The domain name

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Β© Untitled. All rights reserved.

πŸ›’ Order Summary domain

Total Price

$2,500.00 USD


is yours! πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸŽŠ

What happens next?

  1. Our domain transfer team will reach out to you and confirm your destination registrar.

  2. Your payment will be verified and we'll send you the the transfer code from the seller.

  3. Only after the domain is successfully delivered to your account do we release funds to the seller.

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  1. You'll receive an email with a link to complete your seller registration.

  2. You'll get access to our web application that creates "buy it now" pages for each domain you want to sell.

  3. You'll receive instructions on how to change your nameservers to allow us to host your new For Sale page.

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